Art-Preview is a private management art platform for emerging young talents. It has been created by experienced art specialists that combine various areas of the art industry. New artists are selected by a closed committee to be represented in the Art-Preview portfolio. Our closed platform assures access to final collectors that are open to invest through a guided advisory. The human bond that connects our advisors to final buyers is key in the approach of Art-Preview.




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Biographical References:

– Born in southern Mesopotamia near Ur, the historic city of Abraham.
The residence of the Patriarch was one of his childhood playgrounds …

– Adolescence & youth in Baghdad, mid-70s:

Studies and artistic activities.

– Exile & installation in France late 76’s: Paris, Poitiers & Tours:

Studies and artistic activities;

– Lives and works in Touraine since the 80’s

Several exhibitions in France and other countries in Europe, North America and the Middle East.

Private and public collectors in several countries.

2004-2018  Establishment of fine arts and digital arts workshops, teaching …in Touraine


Main artistic references:

1975      School of Fine Arts, Baghdad

1984      School of Fine Arts, Architecture, Tours

1986      2 degrees of Fine Arts, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Fine Arts, Paris

1998      European School of Image, Poitiers

1979-1998 Participation in the creation of numerous groups of artists in Europe

1992-2002 Collaboration with numerous books and literary publications

2008      Realization of the book “Singulier Lake, Plural Water” with Adonis

2009    Realization of the book “Re-Reading a Forest” with Venus Khoury-Ghata

2016    Exhibition paintings and engravings “Black Feather”, Museum of the
Post Office, Paris

2016    Painting exhibition, “Haider & his Friends”, Saint Pierre des Corps

2017    Exhibition paintings, Menouar Gallery, Paris

2017    Exhibition paintings and engravings, Metisse Gallery of Clay, Saint

2017    Exhibition paintings, Hemingway Gallery, Oxford, UK

2018    Exhibition “Re-Reading of a Forest” works: with Venus Ghata &
“Singular Lake, Plural Water” book with Adonis, IMA (Institute of the Arab
World), Paris

2018    Exhibition paintings and engravings, Villa La Valverde, Verona,




